Just Online for You


Just Online for You, or simply called JOY, is an artificial intelligence specialized in relational issues. Our goal was to create an IA relationship assistant that anyone could use if they needed. Not everyone has the opportunity to get seen by a professional. Even though JOY does not replace a professional by any means, it still is a great way to share your problem and receive guidance based on various documents we studied.


In short, JOY is your go-to companion if you have any relational difficulty. As our headline says, JOY also takes care of broken hearts.

The application is divided into three environments : a beach, a meadow and a small office. The user choose in which scene they would like to talk with JOY. Coupled with the speech responses of the IA, it allows the user to feel comfortable and calm, especially in VR where you truly feel like you are talking to someone.


The IA model used to create JOY comes from a derived OpenAI’s GPT model. We fine-tuned the model with datasets of discussion and relationship issues, and made sure to frame responses and avoid off-topic. The conversation with the user must be relation related. We also took this opportunity to add prevention for serious issues, as JOY will never replace a professional person.

The project was entirely developed on Unity due to its compatibility with multiple external APIs, such as ElevenLabs, that we used for the voice synthesis. It was also an easy way to create both PC and VR headsets versions.